Dianes Record

A Commitment to Service & Excellence 

Since being appointed to the Washoe County School Board for District G in 2016 and later elected in 2020, Diane has established herself as a dedicated advocate for our students and community. 

Her unwavering commitment is evident in her work as a board member and their extensive record of achievements, which include:

Effective Leadership

  • Played a key role in the successful passage of WC1, securing additional funding for vital school repairs, renovations and building new schools
  • Participated in the design and implementation of Balanced Governance, streamlining board operations
  • Revised the WCSD Superintendent evaluation process, ensuring accountability and transparency
  • Presented at the Nevada Association of School Boards National Conference, sharing her expertise in early childhood education
  • Successfully hired a highly qualified WCSD Superintendent through a rigorous and transparent public process
  • Developed a new WCSD Strategic Plan, outlining a clear vision for the future of education in our district

Fiscal Responsibility

  • Approved a balanced WCSD budget each year, ensuring responsible use of taxpayer dollars
  • Successfully lobbied for increased “per pupil” funding and teacher raises, improving educational outcomes for all children
  • Updated financial, transportation, and human resource systems, enhancing efficiency and saving taxpayer dollars

Student Safety

  • Increased safety in middle schools through the addition of Campus Supervisors
  • Increased WCSD Police by 8 officers and added a fully trained weapons detection dog
  • Implemented the Centegix alert system, enhancing communication and emergency response capabilities
  • Advocated for single points of entry for all WCSD elementary, middle schools, and high schools
  • Promoted ongoing emergency training programs for district employees and developed a comprehensive visitor management system
  • Shortened walk zones for elementary and middle schools

Academic Excellence

  • Increased participation of 12th-grade students who earned credit in at least one AP, IB, Dual Credit, or CTE course
  • Provided access to PAPER online tutoring for middle and high school students, offering additional academic support
  • Partnered with PBS, Discovery Museum, Reno-Sparks Assistance League, Junior Achievement, StarBase, and other organizations to expand educational opportunities for students

Community Engagement

  • Regularly fulfills the duty to visit schools in District G and other districts, including district and state-sponsored public charter schools, maintaining a close connection with the broader education community, students, teachers, and staff
  • Attends WCSD and community events, fostering collaboration and partnerships
  • Developed a Legislative Platform, ensuring the voices of Washoe County residents are heard in Carson City
  • Served on various boards and committees, including the Nevada Early Childhood Advisory Board and the Executive Committee of the Nevada Association of School Boards
  • Committed to lifelong learning, completing the Colorado University-Denver, National P-3 Leadership Certification
  • Shortened the walk zones for elementary and middle schools

Diane’s dedication to our children’s education is unwavering. She has a proven track record of success and is committed to building a brighter future for all students in Washoe County.

With your continued support, Diane will continue to champion our children’s education and ensure that Washoe County Schools achieve a trajectory as, Best in the Nation.

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